16 Step Mixing Guide

recording mixing guide,Record from Home,Home recording

This 16 Step Mixing Guide ebook was put together to help new home recording artist learn some of the most important steps in recording. This ebook can help guide them in a systematic approach. The guide will help them achieve good mixes of their recordings from their home recording studio.

David has taken numerous courses spaning over 40 years. He took courses from top mixing engineers and online schools. David has learned quite a weath of knowledge over the years. He hopes he can just give some pointers with this 16 step mixing guide that they can learn from and tweek as they move along with their mixes.

When you order this ebook he is quite sure it will help guide you in your beginning stages of mixing your own music.

He hopes this ebook will be benifical and helpful moving forward with mixing their own music.

David W. Aucoin

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